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Country Manager Summits
1B - Northern Cyprus   23
5B - Southern Cyprus   70
9H - Malta   2
9M2 - West Malaysia Piju - 9M2PJU 81
9M8 - East Malaysia Marhazli - 9M8HAZ 660
C3 - Andorra Lawrence - F4HZN 11
CT - Portugal Carlos Nascimento - CS7AUS 362
DL - Germany Ed Durrant - DD5LP 915
EA1 - Spain - North West Andoni Axpe - EB1CU 202
EA2 - Spain (North) Antonio Garcia - EC2AG 53
EA3 - Catalunya/Catalonia Santi Sanyé - EA3O 56
EA5 - Spain - South East Mikel Forcada - EA5IYL 152
EA6 - Balearic Islands   69
EA8 - Spain - Canary Islands   13
EI - Eire (Ireland)   330
F - France Lawrence - F4HZN 343
G - England Dom Bloomfield - 2E0KIO 277
GD - Isle of Man [Ellan Vannin] Mark Wickens - M0NOM 6
GI - Northern Ireland Esther Harper - GI0AZA 49
GJ - Jersey Rob Cridland - G7LAS 1
GM - Scotland Mike Lamb - GW0DSP 949
GU - Guernsey and Sark Rob Cridland - G7LAS 2
GW - Wales Stephen Charles - MW0ISC 212
MX - Mountain-radio-expeditions Ed Durrant - DD5LP 0
OE - Austria   226
OK - Czechia/Czech Republic Miroslav Přibyl - OK1CYC 408
ON - Belgium Kristof/Hans - ON3RMB/ON3MOH 19
PA - Netherlands   2
VE3 - Canada - Ontario - 196
VK1 - Australia - ACT Andrew - VK1AD 45
VK3 - Australia - Victoria Ron Cook - VK3AFW 602
VK5 - Australia - South Australia John Adam - VK5HAA 44
VK6 - Western Australia   86
VK9 - Australia - Island Territories Ron Cook - VK3AFW 3
VP8 - The Falkland Islands   77
ZL1 - New Zealand - North Island Matt Briggs - ZL4NVW 1594
ZL3 - New Zealand - South Island Matt Briggs - ZL4NVW 1048