Full Screen Map A pleasant partially wooded summit with some views out towards the south. Report 1
SO546126 - On the outside of the bend on a minor road just off the A4136 on the edge of Staunton.
Walk away from the A road past a sign on the right indicating there is no parking at the Adventure Centre. Just beyond this sign there is a stile which gives access to a path up through the woods generally following the line of a stone wall. The path will enter a clearing where just over the wall is the trig point, a rather unusual looking concrete block and the Buck Stone outcrop. Access to these is through a gate just before the clearing. There is a seat at the summit, but this was unstable at the time of the visit (May 2018). (G4OIG) |
5 Activations by 5 Activators
Details Height 279m Prominence 145m Valid From 1 January 2012 Maidenhead Loc. IO81pt WAB Square SO51 OS Grid Reference SO541122 Summit Feature 0 Lat/Long. 51.8065/-2.66713 Most Recent Activations
15/06/2021 |
28/10/2019 |
24/08/2019 |
23/05/2018 |
01/01/2012 |
QSOs By Band
QSOs By Mode
SSB | 25 |  | FM | 16 |  |