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Countries > GW - Wales > HMW - Mid Wales > 045-Lan Ddu Cilwenau > |
GW/HMW-045 - Lan Ddu Cilwenau |
Full Screen Map The actual summit is situated in dense forestry (this is part of Brechfa Forest), although there appears to be an E-W ride / firebreak going over the summit. The summit and route to it are on Access land. Nevertheless this is not likely to be an ideal point to access and operate from. There is a TP well within the AZ and having an open field on one side and clear-felled forestry (April 2019) on the other. This is more suitable in terms of take-off and access. The author opted for this location. Given the height and location of the summit it might not provide ideal conditions for VHF. Report 1 |
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