Full Screen Map Report 1
NY 69343 06503 - Room for two cars. Take care not to block track to reservoir up hill.
Start walk on the track and go past reservoir (to your left) then take the left path at NY 70260 06686. Then continue until the path splits into three and again take the left one and follow path until you reach a gate at NY 71082 07694. This gate seems the only way though, other than trying to cross the electric fence. |
2 Activations by 2 Activators
Details Height 382m Prominence 124m Valid From 1 January 2012 Maidenhead Loc. IO84sl WAB Square NY70 OS Grid Reference NY716078 Summit Feature small mossy cairn 30m south of trig point Lat/Long. 54.4649/-2.43911 Most Recent Activations
28/04/2021 |
11/02/2016 |
QSOs By Band
144MHz | 2 |  |
QSOs By Mode
FM | 2 |  |