Full Screen Map Another roadside summit, this time with Weather Radar QRM!. Report 1
SS980119 - Roadside parking,busy thru route.
Wooded area to one side of road, Weather Radar station on the other.This created near 'wipeout QRM' for 5mhz and below, although 7mhz cw was fine! - would assume higher freqs are OK. |
2 Activations by 2 Activators
Details Height 286m Prominence 123m Valid From 1 January 2012 Maidenhead Loc. IO80gx WAB Square SS91 OS Grid Reference SS981191 Summit Feature ground 15m from S hedge in field behind mast Lat/Long. 50.9631/-3.45216 Most Recent Activations
11/10/2021 |
12/05/2012 |
QSOs By Band
7MHz | 6 |  | 14MHz | 2 |  |
QSOs By Mode
SSB | 8 |  |